Destination Ideas To Consider When You Plan To Travel Alone

solo travel ipswichSolo travelling is actually fun especially for people who love their own company. A solo traveller does not have to wait for anyone while their companion is out shopping or just taking a nap.

There are a lot of advantages when you travel on your own which mostly include you finding more about the country you are travelling in and finding good friends along the way.

If you are planning to travel alone, here are 3 of the best places to consider:


America is one of the best travel destinations for solo backpackers because of the diversity it can offer because of its geography. The country really does have something for everyone. Want to find the best waves? Go to LA, how about go skiing? Visit Montana!

And because the country is geographically diverse, the USA has the biggest bookings for solo travellers in 2017.


Second on the list is England with London as the top destination in 2017. This is because they want to feel the British experience and London is the right place for them. There they can ride the red buses, black taxi cabs and a trip to Buckingham Palace.


Spain is a city of lively culture which means you can travel by yourself in the country and never get bored. And while the city is also magnificent, travellers visit the country because of the great food they offer. Satisfy your cravings with Tapas and Spanish wine and you will have a good siesta time.

So if you are looking for travel solo destinations, then try these cool places to travel alone. Plan your solo adventure in any of these destinations.